Administrative Law

For over 160 years, Skelton Taintor & Abbott has helped to guide good governance at both the state and federal level. This experience has made our administrative law attorneys particularly effective advocates for the businesses, governments, and individuals we represent as they navigate and negotiate these same rules and regulations.

Our top-ranked attorneys know how to successfully guide our clients through:

  • Permit applications and reviews
  • Administrative and court appeals
  • Petitions
  • Licensing complaints and decisions
  • Rulemaking and personnel cases
  • Adjudicatory proceedings
  • Administrative hearings and Superior and appellate court proceedings

As well-respected advocates in Augusta and other regional centers of government, we are better able to make administrative agencies understand the impact of proposed rules, decisions, and rulings. We offer in-depth, sector-specific knowledge in key regional industries and the keen knowledge of administrative law that only decades of policymaking can provide. Our convenient, centralized location in Auburn, Maine, keeps us closer to more of the clients we serve—while allowing us to keep the cost for our administrative law services down.

Call 207.784.3200 to see how STA can make rules and regulations work for you.